Event Analysis

Analysis data for optimizing future events

After each event, an analysis is prepared for the period of the event and an analysis for the period immediately thereafter. This analysis provides valuable insights into visitor behaviour that can be used for recommendations for action on the next event. Through the interaction of CRM and CMS, the analysis data of the site can be optimally managed.


The sessions or sessions provide information about the number of virtual event visitors. How many users were on the site?



The analysis of the referrals reveals from which side (e.B. klinischeforschung.novartis.de) visitors can find the platform. Where do users come from?


Pageviews show how many times a page has been viewed - not by a user, but by a total. Which page was clicked the most?


An exit shows where the users canceled a session, i.e. left the platform. Where do most users end the Customer Journey?

Viewing Time

Viewing Time describes the number of minutes a user has spent on the platform and on individual pages. How long have the users been on which site?

Lead Conversion

The lead conversion tells you how many new contacts could be generated by the event and which pages this happened on. Where did unknown visitors become leads?


When a chatbot is used, the analysis data shows how many visitors the chatbot was shown, who interacted with it, and what action completions were given.


If a chat takes place, which is carried out personally by a chat maintainer, the analysis also shows how often visitors have interacted with the text chat.


The individual analysis data provide a comprehensive picture of visitor behaviour, so that action can be derived for further events.