
Dive into an interactive 360-degree experience with Pano

With a Pano environment, you create an extremely high-performance, interactive 360 degree experience that literally puts your visitors in the middle of the action.


Top performance with 360 degree images

Thanks to 360 degree images, the Pano environment does not only give the appearance of a 3D experience, but is also extremely highr-performance. The charging time is hardly noticeable. The user is always at the center of the scene. From there, it can move around to other points or operate interaction points - without waiting for long loading times.

HQ Pano



High Quality Experience with 4K Renderings

Since the individual camera positions are calculated in 4K, the visitor creates a user experience of the highest quality - with the shortest loading time. As a result, content elements can be displayed in more and more detail. This results in the optimal virtual experience for the visitor.


Easiest operation

The optimal visiting experience is supported by the simple operation. The movement in the Pano environment is intuitive and therefore suitable for everyone.  By clicking on clearly marked waypoints, the visitor can move through the virtual world. So that he does not lose his orientation even in big worlds, there is a floor plan that shows him where he is.

Wegpunkte und Grundriss


Use Cases